Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Kerala-Lost inheritances.

If we want to retain Kerala's inheritance of good culture and life pattern, we have to bring up our children in the proper atmosphere. The Christian culture in Kerala is a typical case.The Vatican Congress of 1965 insist on proper "Procreation " of children. This term was invented by them. Procreation is creation of the child by the ambience and environment. The child is created biologically at home in the studio of married couple in family life. But it is procreated outside the womb of the mother by the family , the society, and the ecology and environment at home and outside.The family atmosphere , the educational and cultural equipment of parents, brothers, sisters and other elders at home, the preachers, teachers, friends they get in Schools and Colleges and all other out -of- home situations are all important in the procreation process.The youth's spouse and his / her family's cultural, educational and spiritual standards are also very pertinent in the upbringing of the youth into a man / woman and a member of a society or a Church.This again is the reason why the Vatican Congress and the Catholic Church insist on educating the Christian children only in their Christian Schools and Colleges and by Christian teachers or teachers who will not brainwash their children.So insistence on minority rights of the Christian institutions to own,start and administer their own educational institutions is very important. Our children can get proper procreation only in such institutions. It is our duty to provide them these institutions and environment. That alone can act as a bulwark against the onslaught of modern scienticism, bad aspects of world culture, the mad consumerism and satanic pursuit of money to satisfy the unlimited wants of modern man. An empirical instance of an attempt to annihilate our Christian inheritance is the present day Kerala LDF Government's ill-conceived legislations to Control admissions to the Self-financing professional Colleges in Kerala. This is on the pretext of corruption and capitation fees.While the public officialdom is immersed in corruption, their endeavor to take the spec in the eye of the private managements of self-financing private colleges, while their eyes are fully blind because of the log in it, is ludicrous. Irrespective of the colour of the coalition government, they collect votes and come to power to loot the community, to come to power. again for the same.It is the vested interests of misguided remnants of already dead communist ideologies, still lingering in Kerala, that attempt to destroy faith in God and religion. The LDF Government is trying to pry open the Article 30 of our Constitution that gives protection to the minorities and their faith.All the legislations and rules brought by the present LDF Government to strangle professional self-financing Colleges has been opposed by the people and defeated at all levels of the Judiciary . Still the Government like a brainless ram is hitting against the wall. One cannot be foolish enough to believe that the Law department of the Kerala Government has ill-advised the Government to push through such ill-thought -out ,half-baked legislations, that get automatically rejected by the judiciary. It is the obstinacy of the Government that repeat this blunder of last year in this year also. They are destroying the educational future of Kerala children. It is an unpardonable crime.The Government is incapable to manage efficiently its own schools and colleges and other public sector departments, or provide sufficient institutions for the development of human resources of the citizens. So private managements came forward to fill that lacunae. Specially so, for giving proper procreation, when they felt that this was in jeopardy. They have no money to invest in the infrastructure and buildings. So they collect the needed capital from those who seek admission in such institutions. They do not seek any help from the government for running those institutions, They are minority institutions. These minority institutions have the right to admit their own students in them and educate them. In the given situation they are even prepared to admit non-minority students also on their terms. Since they admit non-minority students also the Government and the University can insist on the standards of teachers and curriculum offered in those institutions , . But to enforce other restrictions like fees collected should not be tolerated. They have their capital and running expenses to meet. The user- cost must be born by the beneficiaries of the institution. The fees proposed and demanded by them is far less than the cost incurred per student by the Government in their institutions. So such restrictions is vindictive and unethical.There are many church members who, incidentally criticize the minority institutions of the church on the ground that they collect capitation fees from even the church members. it is true. But where else they can get the capital for the infrastructure. Will any one of us voluntarily donate even Rs.one lakh for such ventures, that require millions and billions . So I would rather applaud their action. because they enable our children to study inside Kerala. Your money do not go out of Kerala. It is used for the development of infrastructure and thereby the economic development of Kerala . And lastly, give employment to a large number of Kerala youth in these institutions. Moreover in the socio-political melee of Kerala society ,social or ethnic groups vie with one another for one-upmanship in the society by starting more schools and colleges or health care institutions. It is imperative for minorities and churches to be there in the competition. Other wise that group may get marginalized in the melee.Dead ideologies cannot be juxtaposed against these advantages.So let us train our children and our youth in our own ambience and institutions that will perpetrate and sustain our good old inheritance.That alone can thwart the threat to the loss of inheritance.

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